Taqtile’s Augmented Reality app provides step-by-step training for new workers

Companies make huge investment into workforces to streamline their product. Employees responsibility may range from maintaining facilities to using them for production. New workers need training to operate these machines and take up senior workers time to supervise. New workers are less likely to absorb all knowledge in one go and require assistance again.

Meanwhile, huge companies like Microsoft and RealWear introduce Head Mounted Displays (HMD) to assist with workers day-to-day task as high-end enterprise products using Augmented Reality (AR). Taqtile sees HMD as a solution to the training problem.

Manifest is an AR tool by Taqtile to create and provide step-by-step work instructions using Augmented Reality. Last week, the Seattle-based company introduced Manifest Maker, a separate tool to simplify the process of creating work instruction. Manifest Maker and Manifest are two different tools.

Manifest Maker – simply create AR work instructions

Manifest Maker let experts to quickly document the procedures of operating machines. The documentation can be in the form of video, audio, images or text. You can transcribe texts from videos that explains the steps. You also can scan and copy PDF texts to specific steps or just have a bookmark to the PDF.

Digital instructions can then be exported to other apps for further references (e.g. pdf). But what makes Manifest Maker special is the ability to transform this digital instructions into AR by exporting it to Manifest. Manifest Maker let you do this just using an iPad.

Manifest – create and follow AR work instructions

Create work instructions – Manifest allows trainers to design an AR tutorial on HMD or iPad without coding knowledge. You can overlay markers on machines or devices to facilitate newbies on the operation. Video and text instruction can be added for further assistance.

Follow work instructions – Trainees can then use the HMD for a smooth learning experience without the occupying other workers time. The work instructions can be shared easily with job assignments to multiple coworkers.

Inspections – Aside from training, users can report faults for inspection. Experts can enforce a step-by-step procedure to ensure a standard inspection. The instructions can be further specified according to environmental conditions, worker input and other criteria. By attaching evidence such as videos or photos at the end of every inspections, accuracy and accountability of the inspection can be measured.

Remote assistance – If digital instructions aren’t useful, trainees can opt to seek remote assistance from experts. Manifest allows collaborations with individuals or group via audio call and “see-what-i-see” video. Experts can also draw arrows and annotations to guide trainees on HMDs.

Manifest is not only accessible through HMDs but a broad set of devices. However, user loses the AR experience when using on a laptop / desktop.

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